Maggie Sullivan
Specialty: People, Infrared Film, Color, and Black and White Film
Bio: Looking back, I have realized I have always been interested in photography.
I used to have my photos enlarged at kinko's before I realized that I could
learn to do it better. I also tried modeling school, only to find out I
would much rather be on the other end of the camera creating the image. I
have been a student of photography at Richland Community College for about
four years. I love the art of photography. After my first assignment from
my instructor, I knew I finally found my niche. I have a passion for meeting
new people and trying to capture their personalities through film and
different lighting techniques. Photography is a way to share with others
the way I view the world.
Christopher Bryant
Specialty: Anything Beautiful
Bio: I love photographs, the truths they reveal. The lies they can tell. Night. The world is serene, at rest, an
escape from the frenzy of day. Capturing lovers and the lonely at 1/30th of infinity. Day. Energy, vibrance, a childs
wonder and delight. Finding the perfect shot after twelve hours arduous seaching. The beautiful scar in time, a fleeting
moment never to return but is mine forever. Smelling chemicals while mapping the soul of light. There are six and a half
billion visions in the world. This is just one. Is it art? Hell, I don't know, but it's mine and I like it. I hope you do
as well. |
Erika Warbington
Specialty: People, Digital Color/Black and White, Various
Bio: I'm horrible at these, but here goes nothin'... I've always loved watching
others and reading their thoughts through the expressions on their faces.
More than anything, I love catching those moments, it's become an obsession.
The feeling I get when looking at these pieces, I can't begin to explain.
I just feel really...GOOD. Although I've only been practicing photography
as a serious hobby for a little over a year, I truly think I have found
something I was supposed to find--such as Maggie says, my "niche." My
photography says the rest, so I'll just let it do the explaining.
| Name:
Gib Martinez
Specialty: People Places Products
I still remember people asking me what I was going to do after high
school graduation. My reply was “nothing”, I just wanted to kick
around in my home town and have one last summer, which I did, other
than a moderate amount of farm work. After that I followed in my
fathers footsteps, driving spikes for a living with the AT&SF
(SantaFe Railway).
I was 25 and still doing that heavy labor when I finally bought a
brand new Nikon 2020 with a 210 mm lens, something I should have done
much sooner. I’ll never forget the astonishment of my local
friends, they couldn’t believe I spent that much on a camera and
would ask “Do you know how to use that thing”? My answer
was.......”No” but about three years later my 3rd publication was
in “Horse n Rider” magazine.
After ten long years of dangerous work on the AT&SF, I decided that
It sure would be nice to retire with ten fingers and ten toes. That
and I was off with an injury when I started attending the OK School
of Photography in OKC. I never intended to make a living in the
business but I thought it might be something to fall back on. Maybe
work in a photo lab or something. I resigned from the RR a short
time later and graduated from photo school a couple months after that.
Next I was off to Dallas to attend The Art Institute and get computer
skills for a graphic arts career. I did feel I could get into this
field and had been encouraged to do so many times while still
attending high school art classes. Needing to work my way through
school, I talked to my school rep and informed him that I did have
some photography schooling, he reluctantly steered me to a freelance
assistant list for art institute photo grads.
After I completed art school the rest is pretty much history. My
first job, while still in school was assisting on a JC Penney
location shoot. I'll never forget how hot it was setting up tents
(the merch) and unloading a moving van full of equipment and props.
Later I began assisting on everything from jewellery and fashion, to
food and beverage, to airplane and automobile shoots. I have now
travelled on assignments to almost every corner of the US and some
tropical locations south of the border as well! Anything to make the
day rate.
Now I have my own studio about ten minutes from downtown Dallas, have
my own clients and contracts with agencies who market my images on a
world wide basis. It is a continuous struggle in this business but
it is worth it and most of the time it pays off! It has really been
an adventure... I guess getting hurt on that RR job turned out all
right after all!
Name: Reba Warbington
Specialty: Animals, People, Landscapes, Macro, Conceptual
I love polar bears and in the late 1990's I wanted to photograph them in Churchill, Manitoba. I was going to take a tour so first, I had to get a camera and I had to learn how to use it, then I could take pictures of polar bears…
I received my first camera for Christmas 1996, a basic starter Minolta Maxxum 400si Film SLR which was soon replaced by a Minolta Maxxum 650i Film SLR. I read books, magazines, and shot a lot of frames. I taught myself how to be a photographer. In 1999 I let my 15 year old niece Erika take some pictures with my film SLR that I hope fostered her passion for photography. A passion that burned hot, bright, and ended too soon.
I've never made it to Manitoba, Canada and I've yet to photograph a polar bear in the wild but my adventures are not over. I've learned how to look, how to see, how to capture the moments that elude us because we're not watching. I've found beauty in the mundane and wonder in the ordinary.
Photography defines me. It has become not what I do but who I am. A photographer sees life in images: mentally cropped, framed, angled, and creatively approached. Photography has been my passion, my love, for so long now. I do it mainly for myself, for my sense of self, for sanity, sometimes I do commission work for others, but mainly it is just for the love of the image and the joy it brings me. It is my photography that reminds me of Erika, that will keep her close to me, and will allow me to honor her memory forever.
Nate Rehlander
Specialty: On-Location Portraiture
Bio: My love of photography began very early on, when my
parents gave me a Kodak Instamatic to play with. I took pictures of the things I loved, which was my family
and friends. After high school, I got my bachelors degree in photography from East Tecas State (Now Texas A
& M University - Commerce). My technique has improved, but my subject matter is still the same - people. I
have had a great teacher since graduating, a photographer - Lisa Means - who has taught me almost more than
I learned in college, and who has helped me to hone my craft even further. I shoot for a variety of clients
now, from corporate events, to PR, to band promos, album covers, etc. I love people, and the opportunity to
capture a moment of time on film. |
Jacob Fakheri
Specialty: People
I had a camera on me a lot in freshman high schoolbut I was kicked out
of photo class for talking back to the teacher when she criticized my
work. Respect for authority has never been a strong point, I've always
liked doing things my way, darn the consequences. I gave up
photography for about four years, and picked it back up midway my
freshman year of college. I was living in Hawaii, and had a vague
sensation I wouldn't be living there too much longer, so I wanted to
document it. I got into taking photos of women, probably not for the
right reasons, but I noticed that after a while it didn't matter
anymore about the girls. All that mattered was the image, and how
pretty the image was. I'm almost completely self taught, I did take
one photo class last year, but barely passed because I was always off
shooting my own work instead of class assignments. With me, there is
no limit on a photograph. I'll do whatever it takes to get a shot.
I've fallen off buildings, nearly been run over, and make a point of
going to bad parts of town to do photos, just because that is half the
fun for me. Photography lets me be my own version of Indiana Jones,
always in search of that perfect shot.
Derek Van Oss
Specialty: On-location portraiture, fashion, cityscape, digital / film
Bio:I first dove into photography in my junior year of High School at LD Bell in Hurst, TX. Our AP
Art class began making pin-hole cameras and then making cyanotypes from the images we had captured. I was
intrigued with the science of photography, the development process, light, lenses, etc. SO I made sure to
sign up for Photojournalism in my senior year. When that class started, it was clear that I had started
to develop a passion for what could be created and expressed with my new set of tools ( cameras and a
darkroom ). I caught on very quickly and eventually became the "teacher's pet" constantly having my work
used as the "correct" or "creative" way to go about doing things as well as being asked to help assist
the other students in their venture into photography. I was then asked to join the school newspaper as a
staff photographer as well as a cartoonist, and also join the yearbook team of photographers. By this
time I had acquired most of the basic skills and understanding of photography that I started
experimenting and learning my strengths and weaknesses. A friend of mine asked me to shoot her senior
class pictures for her because she wanted shots that had a bit more of a creative edge to them rather
than your typical studio shot images. That shoot got me highly interested in photographing people, and
then narrowed even further to photographing people in cityscapes. My work is most highly influenced by
the great Berenice Abbott and her vision of Pre and Post WW2 New York City. Since my time away from the
traditional "student / teacher" learning environment, I've learned a lot about photography, and really
worked at developing my own unique style. I've developed a keen interest in fashion photography,
portraiture, and cityscapes. I currently shoot with a Nikon N65 SLR and a Canon Powershot G2 4.0MP
Digital and currently have my studio ( Studio 1016 ) set up in Downtown Dallas TX. |
Diana Harrelson
Specialty: Architecture, Digital Manipulation, Found Photography
Bio: I was 9 years old visiting Austin with my grand parents taking pictures with a top of the line 110 camera *smirk* when I decided I was going to be a photo-journalist when I grew up. After graduating high school and figuring out that the only university I applied to (UD) was not for me I decided instead of majoring in English and History I'd actually go for that photography degree. So, I enrolled my self into CCCC and two years later came out with an Associate of Arts Degree in Photography.
However, by the time I finished my degree I was so engrossed in my job at the time as a once Apple tech support geek turned graphic artist that I didn't pursue anything more in photography other than the occasional wedding gig on the side. After eventually ending up back in tech support and being laid off from 3dfx about two years later I wound back up at CCCC in a fast track program to achieve a certificate in "Digital Media". There I got to learn (and teach) all sorts of things
including: digital - video, sound, music, animation, and photography.
While I was busy finishing up that program I got a call from someone who found me on one of those job posting sites and it's now been over three years since I landed this web programing gig. Funny enough I started back to school January of last year, this time going for my BA in *gasp* nothing dealing with photography. Needless to say the last bit of photography I got paid for was yet another wedding. While weddings are nice I am capable of quite a bit more and that's what I have to show you here.
Kevin Gibbs
Specialty: Portraiture, Architecture
Bio: I began photography in high school. Roswell, New Mexico didn't
have much of a photo department but we learned on ancient medium format cameras. I did photography for the school newspaper in
Roswell and then a little
here in Dallas. I continue to learn and try new styles. I enjoy shooting still life, portraiture as well as architecture. I
have had very little formal training and garner tips and techniques from other photographers, hands on and from reading. I use
Canon systems for 35mm and a twin lens medium format. Recently, I have delved into digital, using a Canon 20D and my collection of lenses. Recently I set up a home studio and have also tried my hand at sports photography in the realm of motorcycle road racing.
Marcia Perez
Specialty: Weather, Architecture, Black and White, Experimental
Bio:I've been intrigued by images and lighting for as long as I can remember. My first influences were severe weather when, as a child, I would sit at the window and peer with wonder at the changes the world went through during a summer thunderstorm. The filtered and reflected light turned the neighborhood into someplace unique for a few hours out of the day, though I wished it would stay that way forever. My journey continued through art and reading until it culminated in a degree in architecture from the University in Oklahoma in 2002. While at this point light and space were a keen interest, I did not pick up a camera seriously until my dad purchased an Olympus Accura point-and-shoot on Ebay for me. The first roll of pan F I shot my senior year in Oklahoma sealed the deal and I was hooked. I soon purchased a digital camera during graduate school, a small A 70 that I keep around for snapshots now. But my curiosity about the power of image capturing required nothing less than the full-on SLR, and my father and I found a nice inexpensive Pentax K1000 kit on Ebay. It's my sole means of photography now, so much that I've purchased a second. I'm still intrigued by severe weather and the power of light in architecture. But it is the harnessing and capturing of that light in a photograph that completes everything for me.
Adolfo A. Cantú-Villarreal
Specialty: Black and White, Digital, Surreal if you close your eyes...
Bio: “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no
mortal ever dared to dream before. ”
That is what I want with my pictures, I want to be true to myself, and with that I want to lie, and in my lies
I want you to see the truth. And through shadows I want you to see
light, an emotion you know, but through my eyes, my lens. An emotion that captures your imagination, because your
imagination captures all of your senses, that’s what I want from you, that’s what I want to steal, to scar, to
Beauty ablaze in the dark. Just look at the sky at night, do you see the stars? That is my dream... Art is my life, but
photography is something very new to me.
Cory Brooke
Specialty: Nature, People, Conceptual, Emotive, Animals, Urban, Various
Bio:I have never been good at expressing myself in words, so bare with me... As long as I can remember I have been
facinated with art.When I was about 11 years old I asked for my first camera for Christmas. Of course it wasn't anything
fancy, but needless to say I had a blast with it. I started taking photographs as a way to remember people I have known and
places I had been. I really didn't take it seriously until people started telling me I had an "eye" for it. I found it as
being a wonderful way to express myself as well as a way to capture moments in time. Moments, that otherwise would go
unnoticed. Of course I am just scratching the surface of what I can accomplish and am still learning. My work is as ecclectic
as I am. I am facinated with so many aspects of life and I feel my work reflects that.
Anthony King
Specialty: Black and White Night Photography. Long Exposure
Bio: It all started roughly a year ago... On the way back from Austin I picked up
a book on the basics of black and white photography. It sparked everthing. I
bought my Canon AE1-Program from a pawn shop for a hundred dollars. From
reading the manuals and an assortment of photography books, I have found
myself victim to pretty much anything pertaining to photography. Everything
I have learned thus far has not been the result of any formal teaching and I
pride myself on that; only because, constantly I find myself with a book
open learning.. taking notes. and all of it never seems to become boring. I
have always tried to be original in all areas of my life. Conformity is
boring right? With taking photos, I try to find shots I feel have never been
photographed before. I simply stay away from any ideas that I, myself,
haven't dreamt up. that sort feels like I'm basically stealing. I guess
since I started, I felt as though a great picture is a print that people
would look at more than twice. It is that belief that keeps me learning,
keeps me taking pictures, and keeps me envisioning a print that a person
would actually wake up from. |
Joseph Samuel Spector
Specialty: Digital, Visual Storytelling, Fantasy, Dark Artistry
Bio: A few years back I started off taking digital headshots and comp cards for models and actors at a casting company
worked for. I learned the art of framing and lighting, I took many photos and also worked as a grip in films. Directing films
has always been my main passion in life. The more photos I take and films I make, the more I open my mind to capturing
different genres for photography. Though, the more photos I take, the better the ideas I get for my films. I believe the two
really play off eachother well. I think that photography and film is a never ending learning process, and I hope to keep
learning as I go. I mostly enjoy taking photos that tells a story of someone or something. I always hunger for something
greater and I do not think I will ever completely fill that void. |
John Wright
Specialty: Severe Weather
Bio: I became interested in
photography in high school. I excelled in Biology and my teacher gave me the
opportunity to learn about photography and the photographic process. As time
has progressed, and other priorities have come into my life (family), my
interest in photography has had to take a back seat. Now I'm getting the chance
to get back into it. I look forward to learning and progressing in my talents
and abilities and developing my "eye" for that perfect shot! |
Chris Donnelly
Specialty:Black and White, City Scapes, Signage, Street photography, Digital and Film
Bio: When i was in junior high my folks brought me a old Canon FTB QL at a pawn shop and ever since then
i've loved all sorts of photography. While I make a living moving ones and zeros I try to keep creative and
experiment with my love of photography. I look forward to collaborating on projects and learning new and old
techniques. I like being in a constant state of creative growth.
Fabio Videira
Specialty: People, Architecture, Nature
Bio: I was 6 years old when my uncle gave me my first camera. That
immediately triggered my curiosity and creativity for this fascinating field.
Growing up among professional photographers (two uncles!), gave me the
opportunity to be exposed and experience different types of photography and
learn darkroom techniques. Photography has always been one of my passions,
however, only a year ago I decided to invest in new equipment. I have been
shooting (a lot!) with my Fuji 4900Z (digital), Canon EOS (35mm) and, my recent
purchase, a Seagull (6x6). |
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