dfwphoto.com was started by four IT professionals who enjoy a passion for photography. We are based in the Dallas/Fort
Worth Area. Except for the forums area, this website is private. However, if you would be interested in having your work
displayed in an upcoming
visitor's gallery, please send a sample of your photography to info@dfwphoto.com.
I have received a few questions so I'll try to answer some of them here. If you have further questions after reading this,
send them to info@dfwphoto.com.
We are not a company. If you would be interested in having one of our photographers do work for you, please use their email
address provided on the front page of the gallery. No, we are not hiring, this goes along with not being a company. :)
And now for the legalities. All images in the galleries are copyright owned by the gallerie's owner. The image on the front
and it's child images are copyright Kevin Gibbs. Some or all of the images on this website are digi-marked. Any unauthorized
use of photos or graphics on this site will be met with prosecution. If you would like to use an image owned by one of our
photographers, please contact them first via the email address posted in their gallery. If you do not get a timely response,
please send an email to info@dfwphoto.com.
That about wraps it up. Please feel free to use the forums and browse the gallerys. We are a friendly group and always
learning, so do post your knowledge for all to see. If the interest is great, we will begin to offer gallerys to other
photographers whose work compliments dfwphoto.com. Take care!